Introducing Christine
An Unexpected Journey
Christine never intended to become an author. If she ever thought about writing it was to wonder if she might write a missionary biography. So it was a surprise to her to write poetry, non-fiction, and then fiction.
Christine’s background
Choosing a photo theme for the website was also difficult. Should she have rice fields to represent Taiwan where she grew up and worked from 1999-2021? Or Malaysian jungle and animals to represent where she did her primary schooling? Or Jeepneys, volcanoes, and beaches to represent her high school years in the Philippines? Or even the mountains, lakes, and farms of New Zealand where her father’s family is from? She’s settled on Australian wildflowers as the best option since this is her passport country.
Christine was a physiotherapist but now she writes ‘storyteller’ on any airport forms. She can legitimately claim to be this as she has written a book on storytelling and spends much of her time either telling Bible stories or training others to do so.
In her spare time, Christine loves all things active – hiking, cycling, swimming, and snorkeling. But she also likes reading and genealogical research as that satisfies her desire to be a historical detective.
Alternative Bio
Christine is Australian and was a physiotherapist but now she writes ‘storyteller’ on any airport forms. She can legitimately claim to be this as she has written two books on storytelling and spends much of her time either telling Bible stories or training others to do so. She was based in Taiwan from 1999-2021 but has recently returned to Australia, although continuing to work with OMF International. Believing so much in the power of stories has led her to fiction. Her first novel, Grace in Strange Disguise was released October 2017 and in 2021 she completed the sixth novel in the series.
In her spare time, she enjoys being active: hiking, cycling, and swimming. Of course, she’s a bookworm too.