How to love your favourite authors – part 2
Previously we considered how writing reviews is a way to love your favourite authors. This time we’ll consider two more practical ways. Ways that only take a few minutes of time but can be a huge encouragement to keep the author in your life writing more of the books you love.
Two more practical ways to love your favourite authors
1. Ordering your favourite authors books for your local library
Did you know that you can go to your local library and request books? Even if the books are Christian fiction, they might agree. Most libraries now stock print, electronic and audio books. Systems are set up so that authors receive a royalty/borrow.
The photo above was taken in a Brisbane (Australia) local library. My entire set of print books is available. Someone must have recommended them. I wonder who?
Another library you could recommend your favourite author’s books for would be a church library or a school library depending on the book’s suitability.
2. Telling your friends about your favourite books
Nothing beats ‘word of mouth’ recommendations from people we trust. You can recommend an author’s books by:
- Telling a friend why you liked a book or recommending a book to the people who would appreciate that kind of book. Matching the right books to the right reader is important.
- Put a post with your recommendation and a photo of the book cover on social media.
- Suggest a book for a book club
What other ways can you think of to encourage your favourite author (s)?